Triple Talaq Bill-Bold Political Move by BJP
Bold political move of BJP-Triple Talaq bill Since second century of Islamic era Muslim women have born the brunt of autocratic personal laws. They were treated as a commodity available at a disposal of men in the name of old Muslim personal/marriage rules. It is a known fact that world over law is derived from customs and more or less law is framed over common sensical approach of law makers. Ancient Muslim rulers have always aimed at increasing population base by creating large population for enhancing the community strength. Hence BIGAMY was allowed keeping this in mind. One of the major atrocities Indian Muslim women have faced over a long period of time are “Divorce laws”. Mere uttering of 3 words will result in ending of marital relationship with no recourse available to women or their children. If we study Muslim talaq laws we will find that the only decision maker or the Initiators for giving talaq are men. Divorce laws in muslims i.e Talaq - ul - Su...