
Showing posts from December, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Social evil which must go

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)- Social evil which must go When our constitution was framed it was enshrined with rights of equality, personal liberty without any gender bias. Our fundamental rights equally protect men and women. FGM is one such practice that deprives Indian women of their basic right of personal liberty and equality. India is independent since 70 years but we are still slaves of feudal and patriarchal beliefs. A custom & a traditional practice that sanction to pierce girls’ private parts and deprive her of rightful living is nothing but a brutality. FGM is a traditional practice that involves slicing a woman’s clitoris. The underlying concept is that it cleanses the girl, making her pure prior to entering into a matrimonial alliance. Words that came to associate with the girls undergoing this cutting procedure were, “Pure”, “Marriageable”, “Honourable”, “Worthy” further to convince that this customary practice is for their own good and s...